
Visitor hygiene in the German Bunkermuseum

Rules for visiting the museum

When visiting the German Bunker Museum in Schweinfurt, please support the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic. To do so, be sure to adhere to the following hygiene instructions. If you have any questions, please contact the staff at any time.

Disinfect hands
We have set up disinfection dispensers for you in the entrance area.

Keep your hands away from your face
Please avoid touching your face.

Do not shake hands
Please do not shake hands with anyone in the German Bunker Museum.

1.5 meter distance
Please keep a distance of 1.5 meters from other visitors.

Coughing into the crook of your arm
Please do not cough into your hand to avoid bacterial transmission.

FFP2 mask
Depending on the current situation and regulatory requirements, an FFP2 mask must be worn.

Do not touch anything
It is prohibited to touch exhibits in the German Bunker Museum.

Avoid forming groups
Avoid forming groups. Our museum area offers sufficient space.

No WC use
Due to the risk of transmission, WC use is not permitted.

Call a doctor in case of symptoms
If known symptoms occur, call a physician immediately.

Avoid visitors with symptoms
Avoid possible infected visitors at all costs.

Observe information
More info is posted, also feel free to ask our team.

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